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| 770 €


Артикул tm72000
The synchronous impulse from the camera to the flash unit has a microprocessor controlled delay with this control unit. It can be acoustically triggered by means of a microphone or an optionally available light barrier. Triggering a succession of up to 99 flashes is possible as a result of the repeat function. The time interval between the individual flashes can be set, as required. 

The Time-Master enables the microprocessor-controlled delay of the synchronous impulse to the flash system (camera). Triggering can occur acoustically by microphone or as a result of an optionally available light barrier. In addition, the control device has a repeat function. Up to 99 flashes in succession are possible with this following synchronisation. The time between the individual flashes can be set.
© 2007 SBF Moscow
Торговое представительство фирм
Sinar AG: Bron ElectronicAG: Foba AG: Bacht: Leaf